Welcome to Cleburne Baptist Association
We exists to serve her churches and come along side them helping them to be salt and light in their communities.
We exists to serve her churches and come along side them helping them to be salt and light in their communities.
Hello, my name is Larry Vinson and I am honored to have been called as the Associational Missionary for the Cleburne Baptist Association. I have served for 40 years as a pastor in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama. Half of that time was as a bi-vocational pastor and half as a full-time pastor. I worked with Georgia Mental Health as a counselor when I was bi-vocational. So, I can relate to both the full-time and the bi-vocational pastorate and the joys and difficulties pastors can face.
Serving as a pastor in Southern Baptist churches has been a great blessing and challenge, especially in our changing world and country. Through the Cooperative Program, churches have chosen to join hands in striving to be faithful to the Great Commission locally, nationally, and internationally, to do what no individual church can do alone, in taking the Good News of Jesus Christ to a lost, hurting, and dying world.
It is important that our communities see us cooperating as sister churches, working together in order to know that what we are doing is from God. In the Gospel of John, Jesus clearly stated, “You’ll know them by their love for one another.” [13:35] Our love and unity will give testimony to our Savior and His grace. Our light shines brightest when it is joined in close union with fellow light bearers and not alone.
As pastors, we sometimes find those that believe they can be a “Lone Ranger” Christian who doesn’t need the church. What they do not realize is that when separating themselves from the Body of Christ, they are also opening themselves to attacks from the enemy that will destroy them. Lone Ranger churches can create the same vulnerabilities.
Churches make up the whole body of Christ. If we are not careful, we will very subtlety adopt a worldly corporate model mentality that sees other churches as competitors and not fellow collaborators in Christ. We will fail to demonstrate the heart of Jesus. Isolationism comes from fear and God has not given us a spirit of fear. [2 Tim. 1:7]
As your Associational Missionary, I look forward to visiting in every church as soon as possible. It is a joy to see what God is doing in and through His churches and my desire is to be of help any way we at your association can. Sometimes it helps just to know we are not alone. Anytime you want to come by the office, Vickey Weathers and I look forward to seeing you.
Yours in Christ,
Bro. Larry Vinson
Larry Wayne Vinson, Associational Missionary
Cleburne Baptist Association
Cleburne Baptist Association has been totally committed to providing leadership, training, and programming in discipleship for more than 100 years. That is our commitment to you and your congregation.
This discipling will lead to true evangelism in your communities, starting with your congregations and on to the world around you . It also will close the backdoor of the church and help you retain, equip, and instruct your church members. Please contact the association office if you have any questions or needs we can help you address. We are committed to making strong disciples for Christ through the power of building godly relationships.
Christian World-View based on the Scripture and described in the Baptist Faith and Message.
Unless otherwise noted all times are CST
Ai - May 3rd Sunday - 10:30 am
Beulah - April 3rd Sunday - 9:00 am
Calvary - June 2nd Sunday - 11:00 am
Cedar Creek - May 4th Sunday - 10:15 am
Chulafinnee - June 3rd Sunday - 10 am
Concord - May 2nd Sunday - 10:30 AM
Happy Hill - May 1st Sunday - 10:30 am
Heflin - May/June, 20
Unless otherwise noted all times are CST
Ai - May 3rd Sunday - 10:30 am
Beulah - April 3rd Sunday - 9:00 am
Calvary - June 2nd Sunday - 11:00 am
Cedar Creek - May 4th Sunday - 10:15 am
Chulafinnee - June 3rd Sunday - 10 am
Concord - May 2nd Sunday - 10:30 AM
Happy Hill - May 1st Sunday - 10:30 am
Heflin - May/June, 2015 (held every 5 years)
Hepsabah - June 1st Sunday
Macedonia - May 4th Sunday - 10:00 am
Mountain View - September 2nd Sunday
New Harmony - May 2nd Sunday - 10:30 am
Oak Grove - June 2nd Sunday
Old Hopewell - June 3rd - 10:30 am
Pine Grove - June 2nd Sunday - 10:00 am
Pinetucky - May 3rd Sunday - 10:00 am
Ranburne - May 2nd Sunday - 10:00 am
Rock Springs - May 1st Sunday
Union Hill - May 3rd Sunday - 10:00 am
For more information on area Baptist Churches check out their websites. There you may find a sermon or other podcasts as well as church events and service times ...
Cedar Creek
East Heflin
Happy Hill
New Harmony
Pilgrim's Rest #1
Pine Grove
Union Hill
For more information on area Baptist Churches check out their websites. There you may find a sermon or other podcasts as well as church events and service times ...
Cedar Creek
East Heflin
Happy Hill
New Harmony
Pilgrim's Rest #1
Pine Grove
Union Hill
We love our churches, so feel free to visit during normal business hours.
Open today | 09:00 am – 04:00 pm |
Copyright © 2023 Cleburne Baptist Association - All Rights Reserved.